Kiera Penpeci

Dr. Kiera Penpeci is an Organizational & Leadership Psychologist and educator based out of Boston. Her area of focus is in leader development at the individual, non-profit, academic, and corporate levels, with an emphasis on creating inclusion and self-efficacy based on social identity. As a Black, Queer, neurodivergent woman, she recognizes the challenges facing those experiencing marginalization based on identity, and is committed to helping others build the capacity to thrive as a volunteer and as a career choice.

Kiera has spent 450 hours earning yoga teacher certifications, and teaches yoga asana and philosophy to private clients, in group class settings, virtually, and as faculty of yoga teacher trainings around Boston. Her approach to instruction emphasizes clarity, practicality, and intends to offer students tools that support their self-healing, and less reliance on costly wellness offerings.

Kiera engages in shadow work regularly, and aims for success by way of finding personal peace following the yogic path, so that she can help others find the same.


Lakshmi Haferman