Patricia Brown

I encourage looking within, open inquiry, and respect for the unique way the mystery unfolds in each of us. Guiding students to cultivate awareness of a deepened field of intelligence, my approach is experiential, fluid, and non-linear encouraging expansion of breath, attention, perception and inner listening. By refining attunement to the felt sense, the poses, breathwork, moving and seated meditations become fluid forms for exploration and deepened awareness, inviting an open ended, bodily-based inquiry into our True Nature.

My work draws upon 40 years of practice and teaching from which an eclectic approach to yoga, meditation and life has emerged. I am interested in guiding others to uncover the deep rivers of their own knowing, drawing upon classical Hatha yoga, including vinyasa, yin yoga and restorative yoga; pranayama, Middendorf, Osho Diamond, Quantum Light, and Holotropic Breathwork;  Continuum Movement; Authentic Movement, 5Rhythms, Somatics, Vipassana meditation; Advaita in the tradition of Ramana Maharshi, and Self-inquiry as portals to the direct experience of Awareness, our True Home and Original Essence.

I enjoy the subtle, enlivening, self-referenced, healing experience which arises from practice and witnessing others develop and trust their unique embodied way of opening to the mystery behind and within creation… those moments when fluid resonance with Source is once again experienced and invited to be absorbed and infused into our lives.

“Your own self-realization is the greatest gift you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

Patricia and her husband, Surya developed Rolling Meadows Retreat Center, and lives on a quiet cove in mid-coast Maine. She teaches in Maine, Vermont and internationally in Mexico, Italy, and India and wherever else she is drawn to share her love of opening to the flow of the Essence of Being.


Tom Concannon


Surya-Chandra Das