Surya-Chandra Das

Surya-Chandra Das began studying hatha yoga and meditation in 1988.  Surya has taught classes and yoga retreats since 1990.  His teaching of yoga asana and pranayama is influenced by his studies with T.K.V. Desikachar in Madras, India, Victor van Kooten, Angela Farmer, and Richard Miller. Additionally, there have been a variety of teachers in the Iyengar tradition and the teachings of yin yoga. Studies in Authentic Movement, Breathwork and Continuum Movement have contributed to his interest in exploring the formless contained within the form of yoga postures. Surya has also been influenced by the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, who stressed the need for each individual to directly discover their own truth without dogma, ritual, or technique. Surya-Chandra is a long-time student of Vipassana meditation and Advaita, the non-dual tradition of Ramana Maharshi.  He has studied with Ramesh Balsakar, Adyashanti and others.

Surya’s teaching is a blend of the various teachings he has experienced and his own explorations. Nondual Awareness or Presence is the foundation of the retreats. Surya is interested in helping participants understand the depth and breadth of Yoga. It is so much more than performing asanas (postures) and can permeate every aspect of our lives. As a yoga teacher he supports and encourages a student to let go of striving and becoming; to increase their capacity to live with conscious awareness of the wisdom of the body; to be present for conditioning from a non-judgmental and somatic reference point. Likewise to have the direct experience of our True Nature, allowing us to live from the natural joy, ease, and openness of Being.


Patricia Brown


Kaelan Strouse